Sabtu, 26 Februari 2022

Gritty Artinya

Gritty Artinya

Tolong dong susunkan kalimat ini jadi report text Class fication : phyru communis Habibat : native to europe and china cool, humid and temperate region Tree : up to 9 - meter high trunk - about 30cm in diameter Leaves : oval, simple, smooth, glossy Fruit characeristics : apple - shaped, teadrop gritty fresh thin skin Nutritional values : 16% carbohydrat, B complet vitamins C Other : eaten fres or canned

Daftar Isi

1. Tolong dong susunkan kalimat ini jadi report text Class fication : phyru communis Habibat : native to europe and china cool, humid and temperate region Tree : up to 9 - meter high trunk - about 30cm in diameter Leaves : oval, simple, smooth, glossy Fruit characeristics : apple - shaped, teadrop gritty fresh thin skin Nutritional values : 16% carbohydrat, B complet vitamins C Other : eaten fres or canned

Panjang amat itu soal

2. Date:Blanks are the placed in Optical grinding machinesThe blank filled base (placeagaintsanother metal plate with the desired Surface Chape:Flat, Convex, of Concave. A grinding Compound,a gritty liquid , (Spread) over the glassblanks as they (rub) or rolled againstthe Curved Surface. Finer and Finer grits areUsed Until the surface is very smooth andeven . ​


Tanggal: kosong adalah yang ditempatkan dalam mesin penggiling optik basis yang berisi kosong (tempat mengubah lempeng logam lain dengan Chape permukaan yang diinginkan: rata, cembung, dari cekung. Campuran batu penggiling, cairan kasar, (tersebar) di atas bagian yang tidak berbentuk kaca itu sewaktu kaca itu (bergesekan) atau berguling-guling di permukaan yang melengkung. Sampai permukaannya sangat halus dan bahkan sampai dasarnya. resid

3. 01. Sore eyes are an unpleasant sensation in or around one or both eyes. Your eyes may ------ gritty, tender or tired. Sore eyes may be caused by excessive rubbing of the eyes. *a. feelb. digc. pickd. lose02. An incorrect prescription for eyewear contributes to eye fatigue leading to soreness. What is the closest meaning for FATIGUE ? *a. haveb. goc. tiredd. sad03. Sore throat and runny nose -------- usually the first signs of a cold, followed by coughing and sneezing *a. wereb. wasc. isd. are04. Most people recover in about 7-10 days. What is the closest meaning for RECOVER ? *a. getting betterb. getting worsec. getting bedd. getting a doctor05. You can help to reduce your risk of getting a cold: wash your hands often, avoid close contact with sick people, and don’t touch your face with unwashed hands. What is the antonym for REDUCE? *a. increaseb. haulc. supportd. triggertolong bantu jawab kak:)​


1. A. Feel

2. C. Tired

3. D. Are

4. A. Getting better

5. A. Increase


1. a.feel


4.a.getting better


4. Volcanic EruptionA volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of theearth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur.There are more than 500 active volcanoes in the world. More than half of these volcanoes are partthe "Ring of Fire" a region that encircles the Pacific OceanAn erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls. in aneruption, gases and rock shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lavafragmentsEruptions can cause lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, avalanches, falling ash and floodsFresh volcanic ash, made of pulverized rock, can be harsh, acidic, gritty, glassy and smelly. The ashcan cause damage to the lungs of older people, babies and people with respiratory problems.The sound of an eruption volcano can be quiet and hissing or explosive and booming.The loud cracks travel hundreds of miles and do the most damage, including hearing loss andbroken glassVolcanic lightning occurs mostly within the cloud of ash during an eruption, and is created by thefriction of the ash rushing to the surface.Roughly 200 accounts of this lightning have been witnessed live​


Terjemahan :

Erupsi vulkanik

Gunung berapi adalah gunung yang membuka ke bawah ke genangan batuan cair di bawah permukaan

bumi. Saat tekanan meningkat, letusan terjadi.

Ada lebih dari 500 gunung berapi aktif di dunia. Lebih dari separuh gunung berapi ini adalah bagiannya

"Cincin Api" sebuah wilayah yang mengelilingi Samudra Pasifik

Gunung berapi yang meletus dapat memicu tsunami, banjir bandang, gempa bumi, lumpur, dan bebatuan. di sebuah

letusan, gas dan batuan menyembur melalui lubang dan tumpah atau mengisi udara dengan lahar


Letusan dapat menyebabkan aliran lahar, aliran abu panas, tanah longsor, longsoran, abu jatuh dan banjir

Abu vulkanik segar, terbuat dari batuan bubuk, bisa keras, asam, berpasir, seperti kaca, dan berbau. Abu

dapat menyebabkan kerusakan paru-paru orang tua, bayi, dan orang dengan masalah pernapasan.

Suara letusan gunung berapi bisa jadi tenang dan mendesis atau meledak dan menggelegar.

Retakan keras menempuh jarak ratusan mil dan menyebabkan kerusakan paling besar, termasuk gangguan pendengaran dan

gelas pecah

Petir vulkanik terjadi sebagian besar di dalam awan abu selama letusan, dan diciptakan oleh

gesekan abu yang mengalir ke permukaan.

Kira-kira 200 laporan tentang petir ini telah disaksikan secara langsung.

5. 10 Things You Shouldn't Store in the Refrigerator, Even If You Think You Need ToWhen it comes to fruits, vegetables, and other grocery items, it can be our first instinct to store everything in the refrigerator to try to keep them fresh for as long as possible. While that's inarguably true for some foods, such as carrots, berries, and most cheeses, it's not a one-size-fits-all rule. Turns out, the cold temperature and humidity of the fridge can have a negative effect on some fresh produce and grocery products. The shelf might just provide the perfect atmosphere for your groceries to thrive, so don't always be tempted to open the refrigerator door.Keep your food fresh and delicious, inside the fridge and out. Start with the 7 Things You Should Always Refrigerate, and follow by heeding the top 10 things that don't need to be refrigerated below.TomatoesYour haul of fresh tomatoes belongs on the counter, not in the refrigerator. The cold, humid atmosphere inside the fridge can affect the texture of your tomatoes before you have a chance to use them. Just make sure to keep them out of direct sunlight. Cherry tomatoes are the only variety that tend to stand up to time in the fridge without turning mushy or mealy too quickly.OnionsMost types of onions (like yellow, white, and sweet) do best when stored at room temperature, preferably in your pantry out of direct sunlight and away from residual heat from your stovetop or oven. It also does best to store these on their own, instead of nestled up against other vegetables or fruits. If the onions start to turn, they can release a bad odor or residue. After an onion is cut, the remaining bits can be stored in a baggie or airtight container in the fridge.PotatoesThere is absolutely no reason to store any sort of potatoes in the refrigerator. Cool and dry is the way to go, so your pantry is the best place, preferably in a basket or paper bag. Cold temperatures tend to affect potatoes' texture by breaking down the starches, turning them gritty or unintentionally sweet.OilIt should go without saying. Do this once, and you won't likely do it again. Oils like olive oil, avocado oil, or vegetable oil thicken or solidify in cold temperatures, which isn't quite ideal when it comes time to start cooking.BananasFor a banana to taste its best, it should be kept at room temperature, especially if it requires more ripening. Once bananas start to turn brown, use immediately (banana bread, anyone?) or freeze for later. Be aware that bananas can cause nearby fruits to ripen quicker, so organize them accordingly. Perhaps, not next to the avocados?CoffeeCoffee needs to be kept away from any humidity, lest it be subject to molding or ruining the flavor before you've had a chance to brew it all. Keep in an airtight container on the counter or in the pantry. There has been some debate about keeping coffee beans in the freezer before grinding to enhance flavor, but it only works if the beans are sealed correctly in an airtight container.HoneyCold temperatures can cause honey to crystallize more quickly than when stored in a dark, cool place like your pantry. Keep in mind that, over time, honey will always crystallize eventually.BreadWhile the refrigerator has been said to help keep bread from molding, the humidity of the fridge draws out the moisture from the bread, leaving you with bland, dry slices. Instead, store in the freeze to thaw and toast whenever desired.AvocadosThe refrigerator will slow avocados in the ripening process, so unless you're stacked with too many avocados for your weekly use, keep out at room temperature. The cold temperature also hardens the texture of a ripe avocado, which might not be ideal for some when it comes meal time. Once cut open, store any open-faced halves in a baggie or container in the fridge.GarlicWe're not talking about your pre-minced garlic from the grocery store. If you're springing to peel and cut your own, you'll likely pick up a head of garlic instead. This head (or knob) is best stored along with the onions and potatoes in your cool, dark pantry until you've opened it up. Once cut, store in the fridge.Don't let any of your food go to waste with these storage tips.terjemahkan jg bikin daftar Vocabulariesny,minimal 50 kata​


10 Hal yang Tidak Harus Anda Simpan di Kulkas, Bahkan Jika Anda Merasa Perlu

Ketika berbicara tentang buah-buahan, sayuran, dan barang-barang kebutuhan sehari-hari lainnya, insting pertama kita bisa menyimpan semuanya di lemari es agar tetap segar selama mungkin. Meskipun hal itu tidak dapat dibantah untuk beberapa makanan, seperti wortel, beri, dan sebagian besar keju, itu bukan aturan satu ukuran untuk semua. Ternyata, suhu dingin dan kelembaban lemari es dapat berdampak negatif pada beberapa produk segar dan produk bahan makanan. Rak mungkin saja memberikan suasana yang sempurna bagi belanjaan Anda untuk berkembang, jadi jangan selalu tergoda untuk membuka pintu lemari es.

Jaga agar makanan Anda tetap segar dan lezat, di dalam dan di luar lemari es. Mulailah dengan 7 Hal yang Harus Selalu Anda Dinginkan, dan ikuti dengan memperhatikan 10 hal teratas yang tidak perlu didinginkan di bawah ini.


Hasil tangkapan tomat segar Anda ada di konter, bukan di lemari es. Suasana dingin dan lembap di dalam lemari es dapat memengaruhi tekstur tomat sebelum Anda sempat menggunakannya. Pastikan untuk menjauhkan mereka dari sinar matahari langsung. Tomat ceri adalah satu-satunya varietas yang cenderung tahan lama di lemari es tanpa menjadi lembek atau bertepung terlalu cepat.


Sebagian besar jenis bawang (seperti kuning, putih, dan manis) paling baik disimpan pada suhu kamar, lebih disukai di dapur Anda dari sinar matahari langsung dan jauh dari sisa panas dari kompor atau oven Anda. Ini juga lebih baik untuk menyimpannya sendiri, alih-alih bersandar pada sayuran atau buah-buahan lain. Jika bawang mulai berubah, mereka bisa mengeluarkan bau atau residu yang tidak enak. Setelah bawang dipotong, sisa bawang dapat disimpan dalam kantong atau wadah kedap udara di lemari es.


Sama sekali tidak ada alasan untuk menyimpan segala jenis kentang di lemari es. Dingin dan kering adalah cara yang tepat, jadi dapur Anda adalah tempat terbaik, lebih disukai di keranjang atau kantong kertas. Suhu dingin cenderung mempengaruhi tekstur kentang dengan memecah pati, mengubahnya menjadi berpasir atau manis secara tidak sengaja.


Itu harus pergi tanpa berkata. Lakukan ini sekali, dan kemungkinan besar Anda tidak akan melakukannya lagi. Minyak seperti minyak zaitun, minyak alpukat, atau minyak sayur mengental atau mengeras dalam suhu dingin, yang tidak terlalu ideal ketika tiba saatnya untuk mulai memasak Kopi

Kopi harus dijauhkan dari kelembapan apa pun, agar tidak mudah dibentuk atau merusak rasanya sebelum Anda sempat menyeduh semuanya. Simpan dalam wadah kedap udara di meja atau di dapur. Ada beberapa perdebatan tentang menyimpan biji kopi di dalam freezer sebelum digiling untuk meningkatkan rasa, tetapi itu hanya berhasil jika biji kopi disegel dengan benar dalam wadah kedap udara.


Suhu dingin dapat menyebabkan madu mengkristal lebih cepat daripada jika disimpan di tempat yang gelap dan sejuk seperti dapur Anda. Perlu diingat bahwa, seiring waktu, madu akan selalu mengkristal pada akhirnya.


Sementara lemari es dikatakan membantu menjaga roti agar tidak berjamur, kelembapan lemari es mengeluarkan uap air dari roti, meninggalkan Anda dengan irisan yang hambar dan kering. Sebagai gantinya, simpan dalam freezer untuk mencairkan dan bersulang kapan pun diinginkan.


Kulkas akan memperlambat proses pematangan alpukat, jadi kecuali Anda memiliki terlalu banyak alpukat untuk penggunaan mingguan, simpan di suhu ruangan. Suhu dingin juga mengeraskan tekstur alpukat matang, yang mungkin tidak ideal bagi sebagian orang saat tiba waktu makan. Setelah dipotong terbuka, simpan bagian yang terbuka ke dalam kantong atau wadah di lemari es.

Bawang putih

Kami tidak berbicara tentang bawang putih cincang Anda dari toko kelontong. Jika Anda ingin mengupas dan memotong sendiri, kemungkinan besar Anda akan mengambil kepala bawang putih sebagai gantinya. Kepala (atau kenop) ini paling baik disimpan bersama bawang dan kentang di dapur Anda yang sejuk dan gelap sampai Anda membukanya. Setelah dipotong, simpan di lemari es.

Jangan biarkan makanan Anda terbuang sia-sia dengan tips penyimpanan ini.



6. 16. Lucy : Are you sure, you will still remember me ? Elsa : ....We will still keep in touch, won’t we ?a I don’t knowb. Remember you ?c. Are you joking?d. Of course17. Faqih : ....that our team will win the Competition. Fauzan : Yes, I am, we have practiced a lot. Just go and try your best.a. Do you thinkb. Are you surec. I am not sured. I am sure18. Ani : What a nice dress! Did you make it yourself?Ati : " Oh, I got it made " The underline sentences means ...a. Ati bought the dressb. Ati made the dress herselfc. Ati had to make her dressd. Someone made ati’s dress19. Marry ... came here a lota.usesc uses tod. used.used to20. Roni is used to ... his namea. Mentionsb. Is mentioningc. mentiond. mentioning21 Some people do not eat before exercises ... feel nauseated.a. Tob. In order toc. in order not tod so that22. I’m studying very hard at the night ... pass my exams next week.a. Tob. So thatc. in order tod. in order not to23. Siska cleaned her bedroom regularly in the past.a. Siska got used to cleaning her bedroom.b. Siska is used to cleaning her bedroom.c. Siska used to clean her bedroom.d. Siska get used to cleaning her bedroom.Read the text answer questions 24 and 25 Rani, sorry I cant come to your house tonight to do the wall magazine project as we have planned. My grandmother has just come and she wants me to accompany her to my aunts house. I will meet you at school tomorrow .Erika24 What is Erika and Rani s plan ?a. to say sorryb. to meet Rani's auntc. To accompany her grandmotherd. To do the wall magazine project together25 From the short message we know that erika will be... tonight.a. in her grandmother's houseb. in her aunt's housec. in her own housed. in Rani's houseRead the following message and answer questions 26 and 27 Dear Dad and Mum ,I want to tell you that uncle bob called you when you were out. He said that he will be coming to semarang on the 9 a.m flight this sunday. We dont have to meet him at airport Your Daughter , Franda 26. What is Franda's purpose to write the message above?a. to inform her parents that uncle Bob visit themb. To ask her parents to pick up uncle bob at the airportc. to remind her parents to stay at home next sundayd. to tell her parents to meet uncle bob27. From the text we can conclude that uncle bob will go to semarang by...a. taxib. shipc. planed. carRead the following text and answer questions 28 and 30 The washington park Zoo monkey island is closed indefinitely due to deterioration of exhibition. After 80 years of operation, the exhibition is considered no longer safe to exhibit monkeys or to be services by zoo employees .Monkey island will be closed until further notice and will eventually be restored after major renovation take place. The zoo has plans to design a new modern monkey island exhibit and will unveil those once they have been set. 28. Why did the government close the monkey island? because...10 poina. It will hold an exhibitionb. it is no longer safe for visitorsc. it does not get fund for its renovationd. the zoo employees served the visitors badly29 "....adn will "unvei"l those once they have been set (paragraf 1). the underlined word meansa. introduceb. informc. coverd. open30. The announcement tell us about...a. the exhibition of the monkeyb. the renovation of monkey islandc. the new modern design of the zood. the close sure of monkey islandText for no.31 –34 Pears are classified to Phyrus communis.Its native are in Europe and China cool humid and temperatur region.The tree can up to 9 meter high.The trunk of the tree is about 30 cm in diameter .The shape of leaves is oval. It’s simple and smooth. The color is glossy The fruit is apple-shaped. The flesh is teardrops-shaped yellow-brown juice.Pears have gritty flesh thin skin .The nutrition of pears is 16 % carbohydrate. It also contains B-Complex Vitamins and vitamin C. It’s eaten fresh and canned. 31. The habitat of pears is ....a.Tropical Europeb.Sandy landc.Tropical regiond. Humid and temperature region32. The topic of the text above is........a. Report of pearsb. Story of pearsc. Description of pearsd. Explanation of pears33 The leaves of pears are ....a. Cylindricalb. Trianglec. Ovald. SquareOpsi 534. The diameter of pear’s trunk is ....a. 9 cm.b. 30 cmc. 10 cm.d. 15 cm35 Last week I..... my grandmother’s house. I15. a. go tob. goes toc. went tod. gone to36.I ........ public transportation to reach the house, On the trip,a. tookb. takec. takend. taked37. I .. . so many beautiful scenery there. My grandmother greet me,a. seesb. seenc. sawd. see38 when I .. her house. She looked so glad.a. comingb. camec. comed. cames39 She....... me her delicious food, then we ate together.a servesb.servedc.served.serveds40. I bring the dictionary ... help my vocabulary.a. In order tob. So thatc tod in order not to​


16. D

17. A

18. D

19. D

20. C

21. C

22. C

23. C

24. D

25. A

26. A

27. C

28. B

29. D

30. D

31. D

32. D

33. C

34. B

35. C

36. A

37. C

38. B

39. B

40. C

7. A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. There are more than 500 active volcanoes in the world. More than half of these volcanoes are part of the “Ring of Fire,” a region that encircles the Pacific Ocean. An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls. In an eruption, gases and rock shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments. Eruptions can cause lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, avalanches, falling ash and floods. Fresh volcanic ash, made of pulverized rock, can be harsh, acidic, gritty, glassy and smelly. The ash can cause damage to the lungs of older people, babies and people with respiratory problems. The sound of an eruption volcano can be quiet and hissing or explosive and booming. The loud cracks travel hundreds of miles and do the most damage, including hearing loss and broken glass. Volcanic lightning occurs mostly within the cloud of ash during an eruption, and is created by the friction of the ash rushing to the surface. Roughly 200 accounts of this lightning have been witnessed live. pertanyaan: 1.topic of the text 2.purpose of the text 3. topic of paragraph main idea clue 4.pronouns (reference) 5.Vocabulary synonym meaning 6. questions (information of text)

1.the topic is the volcano mountain
2.the purpose is to gift a information about the volcano montain
3.volcano mountain

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