Rabu, 16 Maret 2022

Zeal Artinya

Zeal Artinya

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1. terjemahkan ini : Zeal

2. Berikan satu contoh kalimat yang di dalamnya terdapat kata zeal sekaligus kata zealous

the zealous man works with great zeal.

3. Arti : With the same Spirit and Zeal , You shall Always make Us pround.Well done and congratulations on getting the highest score for your final exam?


dengan semangat yang sama, kamu akan selalu membuat kami bangga. selamat atas mendapat peringkat tertinggi untuk ujian terakhir mu

4. May,Dear Sunny,I want to express my apologies for all thethings that have happened in past few weeks.I seriously gave a thought to all the problemsthat have aroused between us and tried tofigure out the mistakes. What I feel is thatall this happened due to the communicationgap. In all the years of our friendship we hadshared each and everything whether it is goodor bad. We faced the worst moments with agreat zeal because we know that we two weretogether. But in last few weeks I felt you werehiding something from me and that made mesensed neglected.I know you very well and so I knowthat you always want to be alone in yourproblems but I think I am not different fromyou. All these things made me ferocious andI messed up the things. Now I realize that Iam wrong because we have a good level ofunderstanding and I should understand thatif you are hiding something from me theremust be a big reason behind it.Sunny. I am really sorry for my behavior1. When was the letter wria. May 11thb. May 12th d.2. WHat kind of letter is ita Gratitude letterb. apologize letterOffer letterd. Complaint letter3. According to Kate, whthe misunderstandinga selfishnessb. communication gac. Silent agreementd. Avoiding each oth4. What did Kate feel wSunny has hidden soa. She felt happyb. She felt guiltyС. She felt neglected. She felt awesom5. Sunny. I am really soThe underlined sentethe expression ofa. compliment​


1. A

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. D. Apologize


5. Sunny TaylorB-12, Bungalow Road,Munich10 April, 2019Dear SunnyI want to express my apologies for all the things thathave happened in past few weeks. I seriously gave a thoughtto all the problems that have aroused between us andtried to figure out the mistakes. What I feel is that all thishappened due to the communication gap. In all the years ofour friendship we had shared each and everything whetherit is good or bad. We faced the worst moments with a greatzeal because we know that we two were together. But in lastfew weeks I felt you were hiding something from me andthat made me sensed neglected.I know you very well and so I know that you alwayswant to be alone in your problems but I think I am notdifferent from you. All these things made me ferociousand I messed up the things. Now I realize that I am wrongbecause we have a good level of understanding and I shouldunderstand that if you are hiding something from ane theremust be a big reason behind it. Sunny, I am really sorry for my behavior and hopethat it won't affect our relation in any way. You know thatonly you are my best buddy on this whole earth and I neverwant you to be sad. I hope you will forget my mistakes.I am waiting for your reply.Your buddy,Michella14. According to Michella, what is the source of themisunderstanding?a. Selfishness.b. Communication gap.C. Silent agreement.d. Avoiding each other.​


ay what you think the problem is in these situations. Use the language from the table below. Look at the example: I cannot connect to the network. I wondets in the newspaper about viruses recently. 2. I can’t find the file I need. I’m sure it’s not on the server. I’ve looked everywhere. 3. Mehmet, the support technician, isn’t at his desk. He often has to help people at their desks. 4. I left my mobile phone on for three days without recharging. I’m sure the battery will be flat by now. It usually only lasts a day. 5. I’m not sure what the problem is. I’ve checked the cables and they’re fine. 6. I can’t connect to the internet. I should check whether the network cables

Penjelasan:ay what you think the problem is in these situations. Use the language from the table below. Look at the example: I cannot connect to the network. I wonder why. → The server might not be working. ==Modal of speculation and deduction== >>We use the modal verbs may, might, and could to speculate about possible reasons and causes. Example: I’m not sure what the problem is. It might be a software problem. Could it be a hardware issue? >>We use must when we are sure that something is true and can’t if we are sure that something is not true. Example: It shouldn’t do that: it must be a fault. The server can’t be busy! No one’s using the website. 1. My computer won’t switch on. There have been many reports in the newspaper about viruses recently. 2. I can’t find the file I need. I’m sure it’s not on the server. I’ve looked everywhere. 3. Mehmet, the support technician, isn’t at his desk. He often has to help people at their d

6. k you.The following text 15 IULISunny Taylor,B-12, Bungalow Road,Munich13th May, 2010?er at school gate1r!Dear SunnyI want to express my apologies for all thethings that have happened in past few weeks.I seriously gave a thought to all the problemsthat have aroused between us and tried tofigure out the mistakes. What I feel is thatall this happened due to the communicationgap In all the years of our friendship we hadshared each and everything whether it is goodor bad. We faced the worst moments with agreat zeal because we know that we two weretogether. But in last few weeks I felt you werehiding something from me and that made meou say to someoner in the afternoon.eting expressionsHow do you do?How do you do?meet you."..C00.e.sensed neglectedI know you very well and so I know thatyou always want to be alone in your problemsbut I think I am not different from you. Allthese things made me ferocious and I messedup the things. Now I realize that I am wrongbecause we have a good level of understandingand I should understand that if you are hidingsomething from me there must be a big reasonbehind it.Sunny, I am really sorry for my behaviorand hope that it won't affect our relation inany way. You know that only you are mybest buddy on this whole earth and I neverwant you to be sad. I hope you will forget mymistakes.I am waiting for your reply.bed, she saysYour buddyKatewhat kind of letter is it? according to Kate, what is the source of the mis understanding? what did Kate feel when she knew that sunny hasil hidden something from her? sunny, i am really sorry for my behavior, the underlined sentence above reflects the expression of​

jawaban: k kamu.

Teks berikut 15 IULI

Sunny Taylor,

B-12, Bungalow Road,


13 Mei 2010


eh di gerbang sekolah



Dear Sunny

Saya ingin menyampaikan permintaan maaf saya untuk semua

hal-hal yang telah terjadi dalam beberapa minggu terakhir.

Saya serius memikirkan semua masalah

yang muncul di antara kami dan mencoba

cari tahu kesalahannya. Yang saya rasakan adalah itu

semua ini terjadi karena komunikasi

gap Di semua tahun persahabatan kami yang kami miliki

berbagi setiap dan segala sesuatu apakah itu baik

atau buruk. Kami menghadapi saat-saat terburuk dengan a

semangat yang besar karena kami tahu bahwa kami berdua

bersama. Tapi dalam beberapa minggu terakhir aku merasa begitu

menyembunyikan sesuatu dariku dan itu membuatku

ou katakan kepada seseorang

r di sore hari.

ekspresi eting

Apa kabar?

Apa kabar?

bertemu denganmu. "




merasa diabaikan

Saya sangat mengenal Anda, jadi saya tahu itu

Anda selalu ingin sendiri dalam masalah Anda

tapi saya pikir saya tidak berbeda dari Anda. Semua

hal-hal ini membuatku ganas dan aku mengacau

up hal-hal. Sekarang saya menyadari bahwa saya salah

karena kami memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang baik

dan saya harus mengerti jika Anda bersembunyi

sesuatu dariku pasti ada alasan besar

di belakangnya.

Sunny, aku minta maaf atas kelakuanku

dan berharap itu tidak akan mempengaruhi hubungan kita di

dengan cara apapun. Anda tahu bahwa hanya Anda yang menjadi milik saya

sahabat terbaik di seluruh dunia ini dan aku tidak pernah

ingin kamu bersedih. Saya harap Anda akan melupakan saya


Saya menunggu balasan Anda.

tempat tidur, katanya



surat apa itu

Menurut Kate, apa yang menjadi sumber kesalahpahaman itu?

apa yang Kate rasakan ketika dia tahu bahwa hasil yang cerah menyembunyikan sesuatu darinya?

cerah, saya minta maaf atas kelakuan saya, kalimat yang digarisbawahi di atas mencerminkan ekspresi dari

</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> orang </s>


tinggal jawab karna udah di terjemahkan

7. WELL DONE Dear Fia With this success, comes greater opportunities and challenges. Face it with the same zeal, as you always have. Congratulations on being the Best Student With love, Mom & Dad 1. From the text we know that Fia is......girl2. The card is written to......3. The card comes from fia' s.......4.The comparative from of best is.......5. opportunity in bahasa Indonesia is....tolong di bantu jawab ya besok dikumpulkan plisssss kak​


1. From the text we know that Fia is smart girl.

2. The card is written to Fia.

3. The card comes from fia's parents.

4. The comparative from of best is greatest, most excellent, finest.

5. opportunity in bahasa Indonesia is kesempatan.

8. DOG AND THE BEESA dog being very much annoyed by bees, ran quite accidently into an empty barrel lying on the ground, and looking out at the bung-hole, addressed his tormentors thus: “Had you been temperate, stinging me only one at a time, you might have got a good deal of fun out of me. As it is, you have driven me into a secure retreat; for I can snap you up as fast as you come in through the bung-hole. Learn from this the folly DOG of intemperate zeal.” When he had concluded, he awaited a reply. There wasn’t any reply; for the bees had never gone near the bung-hole; they went in the same way as he did, and made it very warm for him. The lesson of this fable is that one cannot stick to his pure reason while quarreling with bees. Question 1. Translate into bahasa! 2. What is the topic of the text? 3. What is the story about? 4. What is the moral of the text 5. What the negative things occurs on the text?

ANJI*G DAN Anj*ng Lebah yang sangat terganggu oleh lebah, secara tidak sengaja berlari ke dalam tong kosong yang tergeletak di tanah, dan melihat ke lubang bung, berbicara kepada para penyiksanya sebagai berikut:

“Seandainya Anda bertarak, hanya menyengat saya satu per satu, Anda mungkin mendapat banyak kesenangan dari saya. Karena itu, Anda telah membuat saya mundur dengan aman; karena aku bisa menjebakmu secepat kamu masuk melalui lubang bung. Belajarlah dari sini, AN*ING kebodohan dari semangat yang melampaui batas. "

Ketika dia menyimpulkan, dia menunggu jawaban. Tidak ada balasan; karena lebah tidak pernah mendekati lubang bung; mereka pergi dengan cara yang sama seperti dia, dan membuatnya sangat hangat untuknya.

Pelajaran dari dongeng ini adalah bahwa seseorang tidak dapat berpegang pada alasannya yang murni saat bertengkar dengan lebah.

Jangan lupa like,Follow dan kasih jawaban tercerdas ya, Selamat Belajar

9. sunny Taylor B-12 bungalow road Munich 10 th April, 2019. Dear sunny,I want to express my apologies for all the things thathavchappened in past few weeks I seriously gave a thoughtto all the problems that have aroused between us andtried to figure out the mistakes. What I feel is that all thishappened due to the communication gap in all the years ofour friendshup we had shared each and enthing whetherit is good or bad Wefaced the worst moments with a greatzeal because we now that we were together. But in lastfew weeks I felt you were hiding something from me andthat made me sensed neglectedI know you very well and soilonow that you ah'swant to be alone in your problems but I think I am nordifferent from you. All these things made me ferociousand I messed up the things. Now I realize that I am wrongbecause we have a good level of understanding and I shouldunder and that if you are hiding something from othermust be a big reason behind it​


Taylor yang cerah

Jalan bungalow B-12

Munich 10 April 2019. Dear sunny,

Saya ingin menyampaikan permintaan maaf saya untuk semua hal itu

telah terjadi dalam beberapa minggu terakhir, aku serius memikirkannya

untuk semua masalah yang timbul antara kami dan

mencoba mencari tahu kesalahannya

. Yang saya rasakan adalah semua ini

terjadi karena kesenjangan komunikasi selama bertahun-tahun

persahabatan kami kami telah berbagi masing-masing dan entah apakah

itu baik atau buruk Menghadapi saat-saat terburuk dengan hebat

semangat karena kita sekarang kita bersama. Tapi akhirnya

beberapa minggu saya merasa Anda menyembunyikan sesuatu dari saya dan

yang membuatku merasa diabaikan

Aku tahu kamu sangat baik dan sekarang bahwa kamu ah

ingin sendirian dalam masalahmu tapi aku pikir aku juga tidak

berbeda dari kamu. Semua hal ini membuatku ganas

dan aku mengacaukan semuanya

. Sekarang saya menyadari bahwa saya salah

karena kami memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang baik dan saya harus

di bawah dan jika Anda menyembunyikan sesuatu dari orang lain

pasti ada alasan besar di baliknya

10. DOG AND THE BEES A dog being very much annoyed by bees, ran quite accidently into an empty barrel lying on the ground, and looking out at the bung-hole, addressed his tormentors thus: “Had you been temperate, stinging me only one at a time, you might have got a good deal of fun out of me. As it is, you have driven me into a secure retreat; for I can snap you up as fast as you come in through the bung-hole. Learn from this the folly DOG of intemperate zeal.” When he had concluded, he awaited a reply. There wasn’t any reply; for the bees had never gone near the bung-hole; they went in the same way as he did, and made it very warm for him. The lesson of this fable is that one cannot stick to his pure reason while quarreling with bees. Question 1. Translate into bahasa! 2. What is the topic of the text? 3. What is the story about? 4. What is the moral of the text 5. What the negative things occurs on the text?


sorry Soalnya ada kata kasar dan tidak bisa di kirim mangkanya saya screenshot

11. WELL DONEDear FiaWith this success, comesgreater opportunities and challenges.Face it with the same zeal,as you always have.Congratulationson being the Best StudentWith love,Mom & Dad2. From the text we know that Fia is...girl.A. a pessimisticB. an attractiveC. an enthusiasticD. an introvert​

C.an enthusiastic

maaf kalau salah

12. apa arti dari you have made us all proud,with your sincere determination and serious efforts.with the same spirit and zeal,you shall always make us proud .well done and congratulations on getting the highest score for you final exam.​

Kamu telah membuat kami semua bangga, dengan tekad tulus dan upaya serius Kamu. Dengan semangat dan semangat yang sama, Kamu akan selalu membuat kami bangga. Bagus dan selamat untuk mendapatkan skor tertinggi untuk ujian akhir Kamu.

semoga membantu

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