Senin, 02 Januari 2023

Arti Eclipse

Arti Eclipse

Arti Dari Enchance , Profit, Decrease, Eclipse adalah?

1. Arti Dari Enchance , Profit, Decrease, Eclipse adalah?


echance menambah

profit keuntungan

decrease mengurangi

eclipse gerhana


enchance = kecuali

profit= laba


eclipse= gerhana

maaf kalo salah

2. report text solar eclipse beserta artinya

artinya=hasil laporan gerhana matahari

maaf klo salahaku gak tau maaf ya maaf banget

3. apa arti what do the javanese people belive aboutan eclipse

apa yg dilakukan orang jepang saat mempercayai tentang gerhana

maaf klo salah: )
Apa yang orang jepang percaya tentang gerhana

Apa yang orang jawa percaya

4. ada yang tahu cara mengkoneksikan eclipse dengan xampp

Cara mengkoneksikan java eclipse ke Database.

Sebelum memulainnya kita harus menginstall terlebih dahulu jdk dan Xampp.Setelah itu, downloadlah library berikut >mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar. Jika sudah download Xampp,Nyalakan service Apache dan MySQL yang terdapat pada XAMPP. 

Setelah itu kita buat database MySQL, Buka eclipse, Buat New Project java –  Project namenya 
contohnya: “NewProject3”

Kemudian klik finish, setelah itu kita koneksikan mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar ke eclipse.

klik kanan pada project yang telah di buat dan pilih properties

Kemudian pilih Java Build Path – Libraries – Add External JARs…Tambahkan mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar

lalu buat class baru di project “NewProject3” dan beri nama classnya “koneksi” 

  public class koneksi {//variabel yang di butuhkan public static Connection conn; private static Connection xConn = null; // Method untuk membuka koneksi dengan database MySQL public static void main(String args[]){ try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/db_pkl","test","test");//database,username,password disesuaikan System.out.print("Koneksi Berhasil ke"+conn); }catch(Exception exc){ exc.printStackTrace(); System.out.print("Gagal Koneksi Database"); } } // Method untuk menutup koneksi dengan database MySQL public void closeConnMysql() { try { xConn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(koneksi.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } System.out.println("Menutup database [ ok ]"); } //Method untuk me-return nilai (variable) xConn public Connection getMysqlConn() { return xConn; }  public static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String query) {  return null; }   } 

Jika keluar Pesan seperti ini Maka Koneksi ke Database Sukses, selamat Mencoba…. 

5. berikan contoh report text "solar eclipse"


Eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs celestial body moves into the shadow of another celestial body. Eclipse is divided into 2, namely: solar and lunar eclipses.

Solar eclipses occur when the moon is located in a position between the Earth and the Sun so that cover part or all of the sun's light. Solar Eclipse can be divided into three types: total solar eclipse, partial solar eclipse, solar eclipse and ring. A solar eclipse is said to be a total eclipse when the peak of the eclipse, the Sun disc covered entirely by a disk of the Moon, eclipses occur when the disc partially Month (the peak of the eclipse) only cover part of the solar disc and ring eclipse occurs when the moon disc (the peak of the eclipse) only cover part of the Sun disc. This type of eclipse occurs when the Moon is smaller dish size of the solar disc.

Lunar eclipse occurs when part or in whole cross-section covered by Earth's shadow. It occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon on the same straight line, so that sunlight can not reach the moon because it blocked by the Earth. Lunar eclipse may be divided into three types: total lunar eclipse In this eclipse, the moon will be exactly the umbra region, partial lunar eclipse In this eclipse, not the entire moon blocked part of the sun by the earth. While most of the other surface of the moon is in the penumbra region. So there are some rays of sun reaching the surface of the penumbral lunar eclipse bulandan In this eclipse, the entire moon is in the penumbra part. So the moon can still be seen with gloomy colors.

6. 4. Eclipse in Indonesian is​


Eclipse dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah


semoga membantu


4. Gerhana.


Artinya:Eclipse dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah.



7. The definiton of eclipse​

jawaban: gerhana

bisa gerhana bulan, gerhana matahari



Gerhana merupakan kejadian astronomi yang berlaku apabila satu objek astronomi bergerak kedalam baying-bayang objek astronomi yang lain. Kemungkinan gerhana terjadi, yaitu pada bulan baru (new moon) dan bulan purnama (full moon).


I hope this helps:))

maaf klo salah, semoga membantu:)

jadikan jawaban TERCERDAS dan terverifikasi;)

#follow akunku

#semangat belajar

8. perbedaan total solar eclipse dan total lunar eclipse



gerhana matahari (solar eclipse)

peristiwa tetutupnya matahari oleh bulan akibat posisi segaris antara matahari, bulan dan bumi.

gerhana bulan (lunar eclipse)

peristiwa terhalangnya sinar matahari oleh bumi sampai ke bulan akibat dari segarisnya posisi matahari, bumi dan bulan

9. a solar eclipse (be) and eclipse of the sun. Sometimes the moon (orbit) between earth and the sun

A solar eclipse IS an eclipse of the sun. Sometimes the moon ORBITS between earth and the sun.
A solar eclipse Is an eclipse of the sun .
Sometimes the moon ORBITS between earth and the sun.


10. what is a lunar eclipse​


A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon is covered by Earth's shadow. This event can only occur when the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon are right or almost in a straight line and the Moon is in the full Moon phase. The type and duration of lunar eclipses depend on the distance of the Moon from its vertices in orbit.


semoga membantu yaa (・◡・)

Lunar eclipse is one of the celestial phenomena that attracts attention.

A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the Earth's position is between the Sun and the Moon.

maaf klo salah

11. Ada berapa cara untuk mendesain user interface pada eclipse ?


Klik ikon new project (pojok kiri atas pas di bawah File) atau klik File -> New -> Other untuk membuat project baru.

Buat Java Project Terlebih dahulu. klik 2x pada folder Java lalu pilih Java Project.


follow me

12. bagaimana source code interpolation search di eclipse?

kode apa ? PHP, ASP atau apa?

13. what do you know about eclipse

there are two types of eclipse:
solar eclipse = when the Moon's shadow meets the Earth's surface
lunar eclipse = when the Moon meets the Earth's shadow

semoga membantu! :D
i think it's gerhana

14. 1.what is solar eclipse?2.what is lunar eclipse?​


1. A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. Such alignment coincides with a new moon (syzygy) indicating the Moon is closest to the ecliptic plane.

2. Gerhana bulan terjadi saat sebagian atau keseluruhan penampang Bulan tertutup oleh bayangan Bumi. Itu terjadi bila Bumi berada di antara Matahari dan Bulan pada satu garis lurus yang sama, sehingga sinar Matahari tidak dapat mencapai Bulan karena terhalangi oleh Bumi


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya


A solar eclipse occurs when the position of the moon is located between the earth and the sun so that it appears to cover part or all of the sun's light in the earth's sky. A lunar eclipse occurs when part or all of the Moon's cross section is covered by the Earth's shadow.


An eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when a celestial body moves into the shadow of another celestial body

I hope this helps

15. A solar eclipse... an eclipse of the sun. sometimes the moon...., between earth and the sun

1. is
2. passes
semoga benerJawabannya is..

God bless gan

16. there are two names of eclipse

Moon eclipse and sun eclipse Solar and lunar eclipse

17. Tahap eclipse merupakan tahap penghasilan


pembentukan Enzim spesifik virus

18. this eclipse is when the sun earth and moon are in one straight line and the moon is the farthest pointA. partial solar eclipseB. total lunar eclipseC. annulat solar eclipseD. partial lunar eclipse​


c.annulat solar eclipse


because of the sun and moon are in one straight line

sorry if i got mistake

19. How does the rainbow, solar eclipse, and lunar eclipse formed? Nb: jawabnya pake b.inggris ya ((:

 rainbow formed after the last rain occurred between the refraction of light rain and sun
 solar eclipse occurs because the moon is between the sun and earth
lunar eclipse occurs because the sun is between the earth and moonRainbow are formed by light of the sun,which light is crash with the temperature of that area in the sky

20. How can the lunar eclipse happen?

Ini di artikan....kalau benar.... ok

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