Who Is The Creator Of The Book Goosebumps? Siapakah Pembuat Buku Goosebumps?
1. Who Is The Creator Of The Book Goosebumps? Siapakah Pembuat Buku Goosebumps?
He is R. L. Stine
Dia Adalah R. L. Stine
Semoga Bermanfaat
2. Siapa Pembuat Buku GooseBumps???
R.L Stine
klo ga salah
di goosebump ku kek gtu
maaf kalau salah
semoga membantu☺
3. Unsur-unsur interinsik di buku goosebumps, kembalinya sang mumi
tema tokoh watak waktu dan tempat
4. we entered the house that looked haunted. his feel was different when my friend and I entered the area of the house. Goosebumps or fear spread all over my body. But thanks to their 'my best friend' I would not be afraid of the name of the ghost because there are those who protect me and I who protect them.apa judul Dari cerita diatas? ambil judul dan cocokkan dengan cerita tersebut! pliss jawab ya:vaku doain kalian fasih bahasa inggris...
House that looked haunted maaf kalo salahbelieve to our friend
5. Minta tolong diperbaiki ceritanya jika ada yang salah:(( Midnight in an office, Alexa finally finished her work and immediately left the office to go to the bus stop so she could hurry home and sleep because she was very tired. It was dark and the clock showed half past one in the morning. Alexa is walking alone to the bus stop to get home soon but she feels bad. The deserted streets and cold weather made him feel scared and goosebumps. He had thought that he should just take a taxi to go home, but the money was not enough because it was money for tomorrow's meal. Finally, he decided to get on the bus as it was earlier and along the way he hoped there would still be buses passing at this hour so he could go home.
Midnight in an office, Alexa finally finished her work and immediately left the office to go to the bus stop so she could hurry home and sleep because she was very tired.
It was dark and the clock showed half past one in the morning. Alexa is walking alone to the bus stop to get home soon but she feels bad. The deserted streets and cold weather made her feel scared and goosebumps. She had thought that she should just take a taxi to go home, but the money was not enough because it was money for tomorrow's meal. Finally, she decided to get on the bus as it was earlier and along the way she hoped there would still be buses passing at this hour so she could go home.
Awal ceritera sudah disampaikan bahwa Alexa adalah seorang perempuan sehingga subjek yang digunakan untuk mengganti namanya harus memakai she sebagai subjek dan her sebagai objek.
Semoga membantu ya.
6. ringkasan cerita Teror di Ruang Bawah Tanah ( Goosebumps 61 )
Marco, seorang anak laki-laki yang sangat disayang oleh ibunya. Kasih sayang yang diberikan ibunya kepadanya menjadi sangat berlebihan. Ia dilarang melakukan berbagi hal terutama yang berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang berbau kuman. Marco bersahabat dengan Jeremy, mereka selalu bermain bersama, walaupun sebenarnya ibu Marco melarangnya bermain apalagi sampai bermain softball di luar rumah bersama anak-anak yang lain.
Suatu hari, Jeremy mengajak Marco bermain softball. Marco menerima ajakan Jeremy, karena ia juga sangat ingin bermain bersama teman-temannya. Akan tetapi, musibah menimpanya. Marco terkena pemukul softball hingga pingsan dan dibawa ke rumah sakit. Saat pingsan, Marco mengalami mimpi yang sangat buruk. Ia dihantui peristiwa yang benar-benar nampak seperti nyata. Namun, cerita dalam mimpinya tersebut berkebalikan dengan kenyataan yang ada. Lebih parahnya lagi, Marco mengalami mimpi itu secara berbingkai. Ia seperti harus melewati sebuah petualangan yang menyeramkan ketika mengalami mimpi tersebut. Di dalam mimpinya, ia bertemu dengan seorang anak laki-laki bernama Keith. Ia mengaku tinggal di ruang bawah tanah di rumah Marco. Ia mencoba menakut-nakuti Marco hingga pikirannya menjadi bertambah kacau sejak terkena pemukul softball.
Marco dinyatakan sudah sembuh dan boleh pulang ke rumah. Sampai di rumah ia masih dihantui perasaan takut akibat teror yang dilakukan oleh makhluk bernama Keith. Ia berusaha meyakinkan diri bahwa Keith hanya ada dalam mimpi. Namun, ia sering tiba-tiba seperti melihat Keith. Sampai-sampai ibunya harus membawanya ke dokter, karena khawatir dengan apa yang terjadi dengan marco yang semakin hari semakin kacau pikirannya. Tiba-tiba pada suatu hari ia melihat makhluk di ruang bawah tanah seperti apa yang ada dalam mimpinya. Namun, makhluk tersebut malah berkata kalau apa yang dilihat Marco adalah mimpi belaka.
7. I start to go out from my house from eightin the .. (6). I knocked everyneighborhood while saying "trick or treat" loot a lot of candies from them. After collectingcandies, me and my friends went to the park where all of the kids assembled. We ate andShared our candies. And at 9 p.m. We gathered in the center of the park to join the partyThe party. O with a song played by my brother's band. I wasn't really sure what songthey played. But I didn't like it at all. It irritated my ear. After that, the party was... (8) withsharing... (92. Some of us shared their scary experiences. Some of the story really made mescared. I felt the goosebumps on my hand and neck.And right after the sharing session was ended, the party was closed by a temble songby my brother's band, again. Me and my friends weren't brave enough to go home by ourown. We went home together. I got home at ... (10)I was scared, but happy at the same time. It's the best halloween experience ever.a. eveningsessionb. midnightcontinuedc. Tonighthalloweend. costumeOctoberstartedfirst timetolong artiin ke bahasa indonesia ya pliss
. nomor pertama itu first time yang nomor 8 kostum Oktober
8. I start to go out from my house from eightin the ... (6). I knocked every door on myneighborhood while saying "trick or treat". I got a lot of candies from them. After collectingcandies, me and my friends went to the park where all of the kids assembled. We ate andshared our candies. And at 9 p.m. We gathered in the center of the park to join the party.The party ... (7) with a song played by my brother's band. I wasn't really sure what songthey played. But I didn't like it at all. It irritated my ear. After that, the party was... (8) withsharing... 9). Some of us shared their scary experiences. Some of the story really made mescared. I felt the goosebumps on my hand and neck.And right after the sharing session was ended, the party was closed by a terrible songby my brother's band, again. Me and my friends weren't brave enough to go home by ourown. We went home together. I got home at ... (10).I was scared, but happy at the same time. It's the best halloween experience ever..evening.sessjonmidnightcontinuedTonighth. halloweencostumeOctoberfirst timestartedpliss jawab dong karena sebentar mau di kumpul
I start to go out from my house from eight in the evening (6). I knocked every door on my neighborhood while saying "trick or treat". I got a lot of candies from them. After collecting candies, me and my friends went to the park where all of the kids assembled. We ate and shared our candies. And at 9 p.m. We gathered in the center of the park to join the party.
The party started (7) with a song played by my brother's band. I wasn't really sure what song they played. But I didn't like it at all. It irritated my ear. After that, the party was continued (8) with sharing session (9). Some of us shared their scary experiences. Some of the story really made me scared. I felt the goosebumps on my hand and neck.
And right after the sharing session was ended, the party was closed by a terrible song by my brother's band, again. Me and my friends weren't brave enough to go home by our own. We went home together. I got home at midnight (10). I was scared, but happy at the same time. It's the best Halloween experience ever.
Aku mulai keluar dari rumahku dari jam delapan malam. Aku mengetuk pintu dari rumah ke rumah di sekeliling tetanggaku sambil bilang "trick or treat". Aku mendapatkan banyak permen dari mereka. Setelah mengumpulkan permen, aku dan teman-temanku pergi ke taman tempat semua anak-anak berkumpul. Kami makan dan membagikan permen kami. Dan tepat jam 9 malam. Kami berkumpul di tengah taman untuk bergabung dalam pesta. Pesta dimulai dengan lagu yang dimainkan oleh band saudara ku. Aku tidak begitu mengenal dengan lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh mereka. Tapi aku tidak menyukainya sama sekali. Itu m e m e k a k kan telingaku. Setelah itu, pesta dilanjutkan dengan sesi sharing. Beberapa dari kami berbagi pengalaman menakutkan mereka. Beberapa cerita mereka benar-benar membuat aku ketakutan. Bulu kuduk ku merinding di tangan dan leher
Dan tepatnya setelah sesi sharing berakhir, pesta ditutup kembali oleh lagu yang mengerikan oleh band saudaraku. Aku dan teman-temanku tidak berani pulang ke rumah kami masing-masing. Kami pulang bareng-bareng. Aku sampai di rumah pada tengah malam. Aku ketakutan bercampur gembira. Ini pengalaman halloween terbaik yang pernah aku rasakan.
Note :
Tips mengerjakan teks rumpang :
1. Pahami keseluruhan konten cerita yang disajikan.
2. Terjemahkan kata-kata yang sulit dipahami.
3. Cermati kalimat di awal dan kalimat berikutnya. Pada umumnya saling terhubung antara kalimat awal dan kalimat selanjutnya.
For more information, learn about the similar topic :
https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25161144 { recount text }
Detail AnswerLevel : Jhs ( 9)
Subject : English
Category : Intensive reading
Code : 5
Categorization : 9.5
Keywords = Cloze text ; recount text ; Halloween ; trick or treat
9. kejadian yang dialami tokoh dalam novel goosebumps (pembalassan di malam hallowen)
Dari seri novel horor untuk pembaca muda, Goosebumps jadi film petualangan untuk keluarga. hanya itu yg saya tau, terima kasih
10. hai guys, aku mau bagi2 poin caranya jawab dengan benar dengan mentranslate kalimat berikut ke indonesia INGAT TANPA GOOGLE TRANSLATE ketawan aku report. 1. The raid, resulting many casualties.2. She looks somber, the raincloud needs to go away.3. Everytime i entered that spooky house, i got goosebumps.
1. Serangan (terror) tersebut, menyebabkan banyak korban jiwa berjatuhan...
2. dia (perempuan) terlihat muram (sedih), awan hujan (perasaan sedih nya dia) harus segera pergi
3. setiap saat aku memasuki rumah hantu (seram) itu, aku jadi merinding 1.serangan itu, menjatuhkan banyak korban jiwa
2.dia terlihat muram,awan hujan(perasaan sedih) harus segera pergi
3.setiapwaktu saya memasuki rumah yg menyeramkan tersebut,saya merasa merinding
11. gagasan utama dalam buku berjudul kisah kisah hantu Goosebumps
Ada cerita tentang Jeffrey yang menjadi budak gitar selama-lamanya, si tukang mantra, monster jahat di kotak makanan, hantu koki gila yang bangkit dari kubur dan... hiii!!! Baca saja, kalau berani. Pokoknya sepuluh cerita syerrreeem di buku ini pasti sanggup bikin kamu melek ketakutan semalam suntuk
12. Tasya: Did you know a horror game about clown monsters? Angga: I did. My favorite channel has uploaded the gameplay. Tasya: Have you played the game?Angga: I have. Tasya: What do you think about it?Angga: In my experience, the game is so realistic, but the clowns are scary. How about you? Have you played it? Tasya: Not yet. You know what! Only watching the gameplay has given me goosebumps. Angga: Do you have coulrophobia?Tasya: Um, not really. I am not afraid of clowns. However, the setting of the places is scary. Angga: I totally agree with you. Therefore, I play the game in the morning. Tasya: I see. question:1. What is coulrophobia? 2. How did Tasya's feel when she watched the gameplay? 3. What do both of the speakers think about the game?
1.Coulrophobia is a fear of clowns
2.She got goosebumps
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