Senin, 05 Desember 2022

Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Qualitative

Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Qualitative

contoh diskripsi tentang B.J.HABIBIE dalam bentuk diskripsi bahasa inggris

1. contoh diskripsi tentang B.J.HABIBIE dalam bentuk diskripsi bahasa inggris

B.J. Habibie is a smart person in Indonesia . He is a former president and vice president in Indonesia . He He is very loving his wife . He is very friendly to everyone . he have hobby flying a toy plane (aeromodelling) various types. His favorite food is the cuisine of West Sumatra. he is very humble .

2. contoh diskripsi tentang B.J.HABIBIE dalam bentuk diskripsi bahasa inggris

genius , polite , friendly , and fun
Descriptive text about B.J.Habibie

The third President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Habibie Bacharuddin or the general calls B.J. Habibie, born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He is the fourth child of eight children, spouse Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. Habibie, who is married to Hasri Ainun Habibie on May 12, 1962 was blessed with two sons namely Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal.  Habibie childhood through with his brothers in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. Nature firmly adhered to the principle has been shown Habibie since childhood. Habibie, who had a penchant for this ride, should lose his father who died on 3 September 1950 because of a heart attack. Shortly after his father dies, Habibie moved to Bandung to study at the School Gouvernments Middlebare. In high school, he began to look outstanding achievements, especially in the exact sciences lessons. Habibie became a favorite figure in her school.  After graduating high school in bandung in 1954, he entered the University of Indonesia in Bandung (ITB now). He received his diploma from the Technische Hochschule, Germany in 1960 which then get gekar Doctorate from the same place in 1965. Habibie was married in 1962, and has two children. In 1967, became Professor of honor (Professor) at the Institut Teknologi Bandung.  Habibie steps much admired, full of controversy, many admirers but no less did not agree with him. Each time, winning the prestigious Theodore Van Karman Award, was returned from the "habitat" of Germany, he always made the news. Habibie's only a year studying at ITB Bandung, 10 years of college to Ph.D. aircraft construction in Germany with summa cum laude. Then worked in the aircraft industry leading MBB GmbH Germany, prior to the call of President Suharto to return to Indonesia.  In Indonesia, Habibie served 20 years of Research and Technology Minister of State or Head of BPPT, leading 10 state-owned company of Strategic Industries. On 10 March to 20 May 1998, he became a Vice President, and sworn in by Chief Justice to replace President Suharto. Suharto handed the presidency to Habibie on the basis of Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution. And on May 21, 1998 - October 1999, Jusuf Habibie Bacharuddin became President of the Republic of Indonesia. Until finally forced Habibie also stepped down from the refrendum East Timor chose independence. Accountability speech was rejected MPR. He went back to ordinary citizens, also migrate settled back to Germany. Some of his work in calculating and designing several aircraft manufacturing project are Military Transport Aircraft C-130 Transall, Hansa Jet 320 (Aircraft Executive), CN – 235 and etc.

3. contoh diskripsi bahasa inggris bantu dong

i have a cat, it name is kitty. it has white fur. it like to play with ball and my cat is so cute

4. contoh teks diskripsi bahasa inggris tentang guru

My favorite teacher  ^_^ 
I have a favorite teacher in my school. His name is Mr. angga. He is my English teacher. He is still young. His age is approximately 35 years. However, He is the strict and discipline person. Though his face is quite creepy, his heart is very good. He has short hair that always looks neat. He’s always wearing glasses to cover his wide eyes. He also has long mustache and beard fairly dense. All female students in my school really like him. According to them, He is cool and macho man with a pointy nose and white skin.

He is very good to his students. He always gives logic advice or opinions when we need his help. He has made all his students loved learning English language because he is very smart to create quiet and comfortable atmosphere in classroom. He always has the latest ideas in teaching. I think he is a very creative and innovative teacher. His warm personality made him the most favorite teacher. He is good in making friend and talking in front of the crowd. Every person who is close to him will feel comfortable because of his personality.

During he teaches us. He is never late or do not go to class. He is very diligent to go to school, even though his coming is always eagerly awaited by the students. Unlike most other teachers He is very friendly with his students. He is happy to hang out with us. Nevertheless we still respect him as our teacher. If all teachers like He, I am sure all the students really like to go to school.


5. Bagaimana contoh kalimat pembuka sidang skripsi dalam bahasa inggris

Assalamualaikum wr wb

6. contoh judul skripsi pendidikan bahasa inggris s1

An Analysis of Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension

(cre. sekolahbahasainggris .com)

7. Contoh diskripsi tentang ibu dalam bahasa inggris singkat

mam is somebody cherub devaid wing.always take care,nurse,and patient.
l love you mam thanks
maaf kalau salahmy mother, she's the most beautiful girl in the world and i've ever seen in my life. she doesn't have wings but i know exactly she's an angel. she have black hair, soft skin, blue eyes, and pretty smile that she always put on her face everyday. she's tall and she's also kind. i'm proud to be his daugther.

8. Buatlah contoh ucapan terima kasih dalam skripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris!


Thank you



Jawaban: Thanks you


9. contoh membuat diskripsi bahasa Inggris tentang kucing

A cat is a mammal. People often keep them as pets. A cat has four legs and a long tail. Cats are carnivores, that means they only eat meat.
Cats are very flexible and they can also climb very well. Most cats don't like water but what many people don't know is that they can swim.
Cats usually live for about 14 to 16 years. In Indonesia there are a lot of stray cats.

10. contoh diskripsi tentang presiden jokowi dalam bahasa inggris?

Ir. H. Joko Widodo 
    Ir. H. Joko Widodo or more familiarly Jokowi is the seventh president of Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Surakarta on June, 21st 1961. 
    He is 175 m tall and he is 55 years old. He has short black hair and slanting eyes with black color. He lives in white house. He is married to Iriana Joko Widodo and has three children there are Kahiyang Ayu, Kaesang Pangarep and Gibran Raka. He is a humble president many people love him.

11. berikan 5 contoh diskripsi tentang hewan dan tumbuhan dalam bahasa inggris

1)I like Elephants
I like elephants. Elephants are the biggest land animals in the world. The African elephant is found on the continent of Africa and the Indian elephant is found in Asia. Elephants are mammals as well as herbivores, meaning they only eat plants rather than meat.
I know that there are two main types of elephants; the African elephant and the Indian elephant. The African elephant is bigger than the Indian elephant. It has larger ears too. Both the males and females have tusks. The African elephant has wrinkly gray skin, a swayedback, and two tips at the end of its trunkthat it can use like fingers to pick stuff up. The tusk make elephant look really cool.The Indian, or Asian, elephant is smaller than the African elephant and has smaller ears. They have more of a humped back and only one fingerlike tip at the end of their trunk. Also, their skin tends to be less wrinkly than the African elephant. Next time go to the zoo. I want to ride an elephant.
2)Contoh Descriptive Text Animal Tentang JerapahT he Giraffes Giraffes are truly giant animals. They amaze me. I like giraffes because their long neck. They can grow up to 17 feet tall and weigh as much as 3,000 pounds.The male giraffes, called bulls, are typically larger than the females, called cows. The babies aren’t exactly small either. A baby giraffe, called a calf, is 6 feet tall at birth! Giraffes also have large hearts. Their hearts can be up to 2 feet long and weigh over 20 pounds. They need these large hearts to pump blood all the way up their long necks.It is always fun to watch giraffes eat from the tree. Their favorite types of leaves are from the acacia tree. Giraffesare herbivores, meaning they eat plants rather than meat. They use their long necks and tongues (which they can stickout up to a foot and a half!) to get to leaves on trees. A typical full-grown adult giraffe will eat over 70 pounds of leaves, twigs, and fruit each day. Giraffes don’t need to drink water very often because there is so much water inthe leaves they eat. However, when theydo drink water, they can drink several gallons at a time. I think this is not good because a giraffe has to bend down andget into a vulnerable position when drinking. Not a good idea when there are lions sneaking around!3)Contoh Descriptive Text Animal Tentang Kangguru I like Kangaroos. Kangaroos is my favourite animal. The Red Kangaroo is the largest of all the Kangaroos. They live throughout much of the country of Australia and are the largest mammal that lives in Australia. Its scientific name is Macropus rufus. Kangaroos are herbivores. They get theirname from the color of the male’s fur which is a reddish brown.They mostly graze on grasses.A male Red Kangaroo can jump up to 30feet in one jump! They can also use their jumping ability to travel quickly at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Someday I want to go to Australia to meet a kangaroo.
4)Contoh Descriptive Text Animal TentangLumba-LumbaDolphinsI really interested in the dolphins. They are one of the most playful and intelligent animals on our planet. Even though dolphins spend their lives in the water, they are not fish, but are mammals. Dolphins can’t breathe water like fish, but need to come to the surface to breath air.Dolphins eat other smaller fish, but they eat squid, too, and some dolphins, like Killer Whales, will often eat small sea mammals like seals and penguins. Dolphins often hunt together, herding fish into packed groups or into inlets where they can be easily caught. Some dolphins will share their food with the young or let the young catch injured preyas practice. They don’t chew their food, they swallow it whole. Dolphins get the water they need from the animals they eat, rather than drinking ocean water.Dolphins have excellent eyesight and hearing. Underwater they use echolocation. Echolocation is kind of like sonar where dolphins make a soundand then listen to the echo. Dolphin is also tame animal that people can play with.
5)Contoh Descriptive Text Animal TentangUntaCamelThe camel is the weirdest camel I ever see. it most famous for the large humps on its back. They live in the deserts.Camels can eat most any type of vegetation including dry, thorny, or bitterplants that other animals may not want to eat. Their digestive system is tough and they have been known to eat dead carcasses, clothing, and even shoes when extremely hungry.Camels store fat in their humps. This fatcan be converted to water and energy when they haven’t had food or water to drink for some time. Once they have used up all the fat in their humps, the humps become thin and floppy.However what I like most about camels is their face. it looks so funny.

12. Contoh diskripsi tentang ibu dalam bahasa inggris singkat

Mother is the most beautiful person in the world, she is an angel without wings, and she is the only one whom always understand me
I have mother. my mother is kind, and helpful. she is so diligent. she wakes up at 04.00 am and she prepares breakfast my family. she is so patient with me.

13. contoh diskripsi benda dalam bahasa inggris​


my laptop

I got my laptop in the first year of college. It was a gift from my father to me. But, since my father live far away from my campus, so my father sent the money to my cousin and ask him to get it for me. I was very happy because it was my first laptop. I do a lot of things with it such as watch movie, play games, listen to my favorite songs and I also use it to complete my college assignment. It was very reliable, it is like every time I need it, it will always be there for me.


laptop ku

Saya mendapatkan laptop ini di tahun pertama saya masuk perguruan tinggi. Itu adalah hadiah dari ayah saya. Tapi, karena ayah saya tinggal sangat jauh dari kampus saya, jadi ayah saya mengirimkan uang nya kepada sepupu saya dan memintanya untuk membelikan itu untuk saya. Saya sangat gembira saat itu karena itu adalah laptop pertama saya. Saya melakukan banyak hal dengan itu misalnya saja seperti menonton pilem, bermain game, mendengarkan lagu kesukaan saya dan saya juga menggunakannya untuk menyelesaikan tugas kuliah saya. Laptop ini sangat bisa diandalkan, seolah olah kapanpun saya membutuhkannya, itu akan selalu ada untuk saya.


My Favorite Watch

I used to work as an English Club trainer. When I received my first salary, I decided to buy a watch from an online shop. There are plenty of choices available on the online shop, but my eye just couldn't move from this one. I like the design, for me it is elegant and sporty. Plus I will get discount if I buy this item. I completed the order and transferred the money, and then I wait for three days. When the watch arrive at my house, I try to put it on, and I love it so much. I still use it until today, it is my favorite watch.

My favorite watch is a digital watch. The digital screen is not only showing the time, but also day, date and year, time location, and also the digital version of analog watch. The brand of the watch is written on the top of the screen. The shape of the watch and its framework is circle, with four setting button around it, two on the right side and two on the left side. It is made of plastic, but the back cover is made of stainless steel. The colour is black. The strap is made of rubber and the colour is also black

14. Contoh kalimat diskripsi tentang pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris

Pilot is the driver of plane. The duty for being pilots give them much advantages and disadvantages. Pilots may be given so much salary, but the risks of the death is high too if they could not do their job well. Pilots look so great with their full uniform also when their doing their job. But being a pilot is not that easy thing, because you have to fulfill all the requirements, like you have to reach minimum height, have to have good body, have to be mentally strong, do not be afraid of death, and have to do your best for your job. Pilots must keep awake when passenger started to sleep, like other drivers.

15. contoh teks diskripsi tentang artis dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahanya

this my idol,her name is raisa
she is beautiful and cute
she has long hair and white skin

ini adalah idolaku, namanya raisa
dia cantik dan lucu
dia memiliki rambut panjang dan berkulit putih

16. Contoh diskripsi tentang halaman rumah dalam bahasa inggris

Because I live in a small complex, so, my home page is not fenced. There is a garage that is about 2.5 meters in length, and 2 meters wide with cement and natural stone. My garage is shaped like a cliff and my garage wall is white. My house paint is maroon and black. In the right corner of my garage, there is a door to my kitchen. While he was found, there are several steps leading to the door of the living room. I use the kitchen door more often than the living room door. The door of my living room is usually locked. The door is opened only when there are guests only. I have a small garden planted by ornamental plants. There are frangipani flowers, palm trees, chili trees, and various other plants. In my little garden, there are garden lights that are used to explain my home page at night. Beside my house, there is a lot of empty land. My grandmother planted banana trees and pandan leaves there. If the banana tree is fruitful, Mama usually distributes it to my neighbors. Across my house was a lawn chair, where my Pap would sit in the afternoon. Next to the lawn chairs, there are several big trees, like mango trees and orange trees. Behind it was a wall made of rock, which was my complex wall. Outside, there are many huge bamboo trees.

17. contoh teks diskripsi bahasa Inggris tentang brother​


My brother's name is Ali Salman. Brother is of medium stature, 25 years old. His hair is dark black. His skin is pale yellow. Sharp black eyes with thick eyebrows.

My brother is a very kind man. He is friendly and gentle to everyone. He really likes to help other people, especially those who are in love. His profession as a teacher has strengthened his principle of always teaching others.

18. contoh diskripsi tentang hewan kelinci menggunakan bahasa inggris

1. long ears
2. the colours is white, brown, grey, or black
3. like eat carrot (?)
4. can jumpRabbits are small mammals that have long ears, soft fur. Has four legs and jumps. Rabbits love to eat vegetables, especially carrots that may be their favorite food. Rabbits also include cute animals. Fur color was also varied, there are colored white, brown, black, and others have a mix of colors, such as brown and white.

19. Contoh diskripsi rumah dan keluarga dalam bahasa inggris

Diskripsikan = Mendeskripsikan?

A house is a permanent- or semi permanent place that individual person/ family live in it

Family Is a group of people that is recognized from birth, marriage, or shared nurture kinship

20. contoh teks diskripsi dan generic strukturnya dalam bahasa inggris

Pertama, Descriptive Text mempunyai 2 bagian,
1. Identification : Bagian ini mengidentifikasi suatu benda, orang, atau tempat yang dibicarakan
2. Description : Bagian ini memberikan penjelasan tentang benda, orang, atau tempat tersebut. seperti menjelaskan bagian-bagian yang ada, kualitas, atau karakteristik lainnya.

Contoh : Mendeskripsikan seorang Ayah yamg bekerja sebagai seorang guru

This is my Father, His name is Mr. Rasyidi.
He works as a teacher in my school, he always ask to clean the class before the class started.
He usually wears black clothes, or sometime he wears School Teachers Uniform.

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